Over Training

It is good to be an active individual that partakes in a routine of physical exercise. I personally partake in daily workouts that consists of 2-3 hours involving both strength and endurance training. Sometimes it is difficult to tame my dedication to the gym and just simply take a break and allow my body to rest for a few days. I believe I over train my muscles and I know I am not the only person who falls under this category. According to Nicks blog, he makes several great points about over training and how it affects athletes psychological statuses. Nick states athletes tend to report feelings of negativity that consist of tension, depression and anger. According to the courses I have taken here at the University of New Mexico regarding personal and athletic training, these feelings are commonly reported from athletes. Nick also provides information regarding the training distress scale (TDS) that is specifically designed to address athletes psychological statuses during high amounts of training. Aside from these points Nick made about over training about athletes these feelings are also common among the average person who lives an active lifestyle. These feelings of negativity are also accompanied by the following behaviors and actions. 1) a decrease in performance. This may involve the reduction of speed as well as lower amounts of strength. 2) Lack of concentration. To much exercise and lack of rest/sleep may result in the inability to concentrate and fulfill daily tasks. 3) Insomnia and restlessness. Often times a body that has been over trained is sometimes unable to slow down and return to a relaxed physical state. This makes it difficult to recover and rest between workouts. These are just a few examples of what over training can do to the body physically and mentally. Nick provided great information in regards to how over training impacts athletes but some of these symptoms are present among active individuals.

Here is the link to Nicks Blog: http://exercisescience.tumblr.com/post/51075155924/overtraining-psychology

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